Elite Montessori Coin Box with Thicker Coins Montessori Toys for Infant 1 Year Old Toddlers Babies Preschool Learning...

Elite Montessori Coin Box with Thicker Coins Montessori Toys for Infant 1 Year Old Toddlers Babies Preschool Learning...
We’ve put together a list of Montessori Toys / Materials we like and believe would make a nice present for the upcoming holiday season or any other occasion.
Note: Raw eggs are often not advisable for children to handle, but in the home environment a parent should monitor food handling practices more closely. Age: from 18 months Materials: Large bowl / Fork or child sized whisk / Spices, Salt - depending on your...
When presenting Montessori activities at home environment, it is good to remember the following: Children learn from observation of what adults are doing. With their limited physical abilities, adults have to show the children how to do the activities easier way....
Toilet learning differs from Toilet training. Child toilet training is something that is adult directed; toilet learning is when the child is involved in their own learning. Toilet training may involve a time pressure on your child which seems to be a quick fix but...
Allowing and involving children under 3 to help in the kitchen can be a fun but realistically a hard task. Especially when you are trying to get dinner ready in time, your child interfering with your cooking. Asking them to help in your kitchen can be more of a hassle...
Another simple activity that children enjoy and find fascinating. Age: 12+ Months Items: Mirror in which the child can see him/herself easily / Child sized hair brush or comb / Clips (for girls) / Small basket or drawer - a special place for the child to have easy...
Activities to do with a toddler in the kitchen As toddlers grow they become more observant and helpful with the activities that parents do every day. These are what Maria Montessori calls Practical Life Activities. One important aspect of practical life is food...
Pouring a drink is a simple and great activity that young kids will enjoy. Age: 12+ months Items needed: Child sized clear glass jug (for the child to be able to handle and see the amount of water) / Child sized clear glass The Activity: Ask the child to sit beside...
This activity allows a young child to be involved in food preparation with an adult. It helps expose the child to become more familiar with the kitchen environment for further activities in the kitchen as the child gets older. Age: from 14 months Materials: Chopping...
A simple activity allowing children to familiarize themselves with the process of preparing and cooking food in the kitchen. Age: from 14 months Materials: Small measuring cup / Rice container / Rice / Rice cooker / Apron The Activity: Wash hands and put on an apron....
There are several recipes for basic pasta found on the internet. If your child has egg allergy there are no egg alternatives. This will use the basic recipe using flour and eggs. Age: From 16 months Materials: Apron / Rolling pin / Large bowl / Pasta making machine /...
Peeling vegetables activity can be done with a soft vegetable (e.g. a cucumber). As a sharp peeler is used, the child needs to be able to handle it safely! Age: 2 1/2 years Materials: Hand peeler / Chopping board / Small bin / Vegetable / Lots of care! The...
Always closely supervise your child when handling raw food and using sharp objects, e.g. knife! Age: About 2 1/2 years old Materials: Thin meat or schnitzel meat / Meat hammer / Knife / Flour / Bowls and plates / Eggs / Salt / Bread crumbs The Activity: Put on apron...
A simple activity that introduces your child to food preparation and cooking. Always closely supervise you child during all kitchen activities! Age: From 16 months Materials: Potatoes / Large bowl / Child sized tongs / Child sized potato masher / Spices (as per your...
Title: Educateurs sans Frontieres (Educators Without Borders) Author: Renilde Montessori Book Summary: Renilde Montessori offers her own personal collection of snippets on children education.
Title: Magic Trees of the Mind (How to Nurture Your Child’s Intelligence, Creativity, and Healthy Emotions from Birth Through Adolescence) Author: Marian Diamond and Janet Hopson Book Summary: Scientific research confirms that exposure to the proper type of...